I will share the brands I am taking:

Omega 3/6/9 supports congitive function and eye health. Omega 3 fatty acids are poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Studies show that a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids may help lower triglycerides and increase HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). Omega 3 fatty acids may also act as an anticoagulant to prevent blood from clotting. Several other studies also suggest that these fatty acids may help lower high blood pressure.
Nature's Life
Vitamin E 1,000 IU
with Tocopherals
Vitamin E has earned itself a reputation - from spicing up your sex life to banning wrinkles and old age. One of the most important functions of this vitamin is its antioxidant properties. Vitamin E is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that includes eight naturally occurring compounds in two classes designated as tocopherols and tocotrienols.
Vitamin E is an effective chain-breaking, lipid-soluble antioxidant in biological membranes, and aids in membrane stability.
Source Naturals
•Commonly used as to help with mild depression.
•Helps you regain control of your good mood, helping you have brighter days and a restore a healthy balance.
•Beneficial for joint disorders and connective tissue
•May help lower levels of homcysteine, an amino acid associated with cardiovascular disease.
•May help protect the body against cellular damage and slow the aging process.
Supplements are so wonderful because you benefit in so many ways!!
Hope this helps you!!
All of this is great I also added B-complex to help with weight control during menopause and nothing makes me feel better than exercise. It lifts my spirit and gives me time to talk with God.